


html5 bootstrap by
🇺🇸 | 2022

OM-pd: API between PureData and OM-Sharp

This communication will present a library capable of integrating OM-Sharp (OpenMusic too) and PureData. There are two goals: The first is to allow the processing of large amounts of data using the visual language (BRESSON et al., 2017) of OM-Sharp (OM) and the offline mode of PureData. The second is to bring PureData's audio possibilities to OM.

html5 bootstrap by
🇺🇸 | 2022

Organizing just intonation pitches through Xenakis' Sieves and Wilson's CPS

This article discusses Just Intonation using sieves (XENAKIS, 1992) and prime-number decomposition (EXARCHOS et al., 2011). It explores harmonic identities (Johnston, 2006) and the Combinations-Product Set (CPS) by Erv Wilson (NARUSHIMA, 2018). Applying prime decomposition to sieved numbers reveals non-primes as intersections between harmonic series, enabling the use of Xenakis' sieves for Just Intonation. OpenMusic libraries for composition are also presented.

html5 bootstrap by
🇧🇷 | 2022

Criação Mediada Tecnologicamente: O Fast Fourier Transform

The article explores FFT properties' impact on musical composition, emphasizing artist acknowledgment. Includes an OpenMusic library for visualizing and comprehending FFT process.

html5 bootstrap by
🇧🇷 | 2021

A manipulação do Timbre a partir de estruturas da Afinação Justa

This article explores Just Intonation systems in the electronic environment, focusing on Erv Wilson's Combination-Product Sets theory. It merges harmonic theories (Partch, Johnston, Wilson) to modify timbres.

html5 bootstrap by
🇧🇷 | 2021

Impasses no uso de estruturas microtonais na composição eletroacústica

Neste texto, investigamos como estruturas microtonais foram organizadas por compositores em obras eletroacústicas. Mais que uma análise musical, nos interessa explorar os problemas composicionais emergentes quando nos deparamos com os conceitos e terminologias de classificação de alturas (microtonalidade, temperamento, timbre etc.).

html5 bootstrap by
🇧🇷 | 2020

Instrumentos eletroacústicos de tecla e seu uso na música microtonal

The article explores FFT properties' impact on musical composition, emphasizing artist acknowledgment. Includes an OpenMusic library for visualizing and comprehending FFT process.